October 17, 2022

Celebrating 1 year in Business for Prestige Custom Builders

October 17, 2022
Landon Wright, Founder and Builder at Prestige Custom Builders, sits down to discuss the success of year one and talk about the future of Prestige.

One year in business is an amazing accomplishment! To celebrate this achievement,  Landon Wright, Founder and Builder at Prestige Custom Builders, sat down with Amanda McLernon of McLernon & Co. to discuss the success of year one and talk about the future of Prestige.

What's happened over the last year and what were some of your highlights?

Landon: Our first year was a very successful year. It’s something I could have never dreamed of for year one. 

We had 10 new starts in the year. We sold two houses. We had four other contracts on homes. We started a new custom project, and finished two remodels for two families. So we had a very busy first year, and we never thought it would have been like this. Thank goodness it was.

We know you really care about all of your projects and all of your clients, but is there one project or one client that stands out for the year?

Landon: My favorite has got to be the first beach cabin, 2325 Antigua. This was kind of our starting point. It was my baby. It got all the details, and  all of the attention early on. 

It was hand drawn and laid out by me. It had everything that I would want in a home. It had all those features. To me, it was the most special because it was the first one. You only get one first, right?

Amanda: The first one is special. I love hearing that about Antigua.

What are you really looking forward to in your next year of business?

Landon: We have multiple projects still going on right now that started in year one. Those are finishing up. We have multiple projects that have started and are sold with contracts that will be closed before the end of 2022 this year, which is exciting. We’re looking to get more people into our homes before Spring time comes around. 

One of the other things we're super excited about is we just got into phase two of Madison Park over in Lumberton, Texas. That is going to be a very fun, detailed project we have coming up in 2023. Very, very nice subdivision over there. 

We also have a custom house we're building right now in Hampshire. That one's just getting off the ground, and it's gonna be a lot of fun to build. We plan to enjoy the growth and be in the moment with the homeowner as she picks all the things that she wants in her dream home. That's what it's all about.

Amanda: Wow. Yeah, that's amazing. And that's a special process. That's really a lot to look forward to. 

Are there any clients, partners, or is there anyone else you'd like to thank?

Landon: I wouldn't be where I am today without the people that helped me get here. Whether it be from when I started construction 18 plus years ago, to the last guy that I worked with. 

Obviously, my awesome marketing team. Prestige would not be where it's at without Amanda and her team. 

There are tons of businesses that I do business with on a daily basis: Troy over at Parker Lumber in Crystal Beach, Travis at Coker Doors and Molding, John at Tri Supply in Beaumont, Ryan at Acadian Builders over in Orange. Those guys help keep our projects rolling in a big way. 

There are a ton of guys that do work for me and have worked with me for years, who are individuals. They're not part of a big company, but I’d like to thank those guys too. We wouldn't be where we are right now without them. 

Something that makes your business really strong, is how intentional you are about who you do business with. That really shows in the end result of your homes every single day. Can you speak to that?

Landon: One of the things I say to people when we start a house is, “You're gonna get the same people I use on every single house, whether it be your house, someone else's house, a spec house, or my personal house.”

It's one of those things where I don't change. The way that we do things is based on who and what we use. I believe if it's good enough for me, then it's good enough for you. 

The people we work with are good enough to work in my house and they’re good enough to work in your house. We take pride in what we do, and the people I work with take pride in what they do. It all shows in the end product..

Amanda: I love that I love that philosophy. 

Is there any final message you want to share with anyone who has worked with you before, or anyone who might be thinking about creating a custom home with you? 

Landon: The personal touch with Prestige is one of the things we started with, and we will always have. You always deal with me. That's the way we start, and that's the way we'll finish. 

You get me every single time. You get to deal directly with the owner. You’re not blindsided by anything. I'm a very straightforward, honest person, and what you see is what you get. 

I'm a firm believer that people like to be treated that way. We pride ourselves on giving that level of care and support to someone who is trying to build their dream home, or their second home, or their vacation home, or their investment property. You can't take those things for granted. 

These are the biggest investments you'll ever make in your life. I believe these things need a personal touch, and I feel like we can give that personal touch to the people.

This wouldn’t be possible without the love and support of my wife and kids, a strong team of subcontractors, trades and vendors, an amazing marketing team and faith in Jesus Christ to lead the way. 

If you’re ready to build your new home, Prestige Custom Builders could be a great fit, and we’d love to work with you on your next project! 

Give Landon a call at 409-313-3383 to get started.

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